Table of Contents

21.01. Assets setup

Before you can start managing your assets you need to setup things like statuses, conditions, types and properties. Please note that these settings can be created automatically if you import assets (see XXX for details).

You manually create and edit the various asset settings by going to Special > Show asset settings in the menus.

When you do that, the settings window will open at the Statuses tab:


You can define as many statuses as you like. If you wish you can also define which statuses can be selected from any other statuses, so that assets follow particular status “paths”.

To add a status, click on the New button. This window will open:

Click on the Cancel button to close this window without saving any of the changes you have made to this status or click on the OK button to save any changes. Clicking on either will take you back to the list of statuses, which will have been updated to reflect any changes you made.

If you want to edit a status, simply double-click it in the list. This will open the same window as above populated with the status's current values and you can edit them as you require.

Note: The Possible proposed statuses column in the list of statuses will show:


Clicking on the Conditions tab will show the list of conditions:

To add a Condition, click on the Add button. This window will open:

Click on the Cancel button to close this window without saving any of the changes you have made to this condition or click on the OK button to save any changes. Clicking on either will take you back to the list of conditions, which will have been updated to reflect any changes you made.


Clicking on the Types tab will show the list of types:

To add a type, click on the Add button. This window will open:

Click on the Cancel button to close this window without saving any of the changes you have made to this type or click on the OK button to save any changes. Clicking on either will take you back to the list of types, which will have been updated to reflect any changes you made.


You can think of properties as user-definable fields that you can add to assets. They give you the ability to add extra drop down lists, dates or text fields to capture information that isn't covered by the standard fields provided in mSupply.

Clicking on the Properties tab will show the list of properties:

To add a property, click on the Add button. This window will open:

Click on the Cancel button to close this window without saving any of the changes you have made to this property or click on the OK button to save any changes. Clicking on either will take you back to the list of properties, which will have been updated to reflect any changes you made.

Field labels

We know not everyone calls things the same name so we've added functionality for users to select their own labels for some of the asset fields. The Field labels tab is where you can define what these fields are called:

The Field label column on the left contains the default label applied to the field. The Your label column on the right contains what label will be used by mSupply for this field.

To edit the label, simply click on it in the right hand column and change it to what you want it to be called. As soon as you leave the field (by pressing the Tab key on the keyboard for instance), the change is saved.

Document types

You can upload documents to assets. Each one you upload must have a particular document type and this tab is where you manage those types:

To add a document type, click on the Add button. This window will open:

Click on the Cancel button to close this window without saving any of the changes you have made to this document type or click on the OK button to save any changes. Clicking on either will take you back to the list of document types, which will have been updated to reflect any changes you made.


You also need to setup the permissions users have concerning the asset functionality. See the 23.15. Managing users page for details on the permissions you can set.


There are some preferences (e.g. sending emails when assets approach their insurance renewal date) that you can set that also affect the way the assets module works. See the General preferences page for details on those.