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28.05. What do I need to set up mSupply Mobile?

Information required

The Sync Site Name, User Name and Password will need to be entered when logging in to mSupply Mobile on the tablet. It's advised to consider making them easy enough to enter via touchscreen keyboard (short, no caps, limited 'funny' characters… ;-) )!

Configuration in mSupply

To enable the additional options in mobile such as Dispensary, Cash Register and Dashboard ( bottom right of main page, below ) you will need to enable some options in mSupply admin.


This is controlled by the store mode, which is found on the first page when editing a Store:

Cash Register & Dashboard

For these, click on the Preferences tab when editing a store. Enable the options mobile: Uses Dashboard Module and mobile: Uses Cash Register Module as highlighted below:

Installation of mSupply Mobile APK and initiation

The initial sync could take quite some time. Please ensure that the internet connection is stable, and be patient. If the initial sync has been interrupted, you will need to restart the app and re-enter the above information.

User login

After the initial sync is complete, another page will open asking you to login as a user:

  • An existing store can be be turned into an mSupply mobile store
  • An existing customer (that is NOT a store in mSupply) can also be turned in to an mSupply mobile store. However, this requires that all Customer Invoices for the customer are finalised.
  • To help Sustainable Solutions set up multiple stores at once, please use the attached excel template, filling out ALL information.
