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Location & Location Movement

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Contains details of shelf locations in a store.

Field Description Type
ID UUID of the record text
Colour colour of the record when displayed in lists text
code a short code for the location alpha 60
Description Full description of the location text
Comment For your use to record any info text
hold if true, stock at this location can't be issued on customer invoices- can use for quarantine areas. boolean
parent_ID UUID of the parent of this location (e.g the rack of a particular slot, or the aisle of a rack text
priority numeric value that can be used for sorting locations for picking longint
store_ID UUID of the store that this location is for text
summary_only only to be used for reporting, not for assigning to stock (e.g. an aisle that has racks as children) text
type_ID UUID of Location_type record that this record is related to. Location types can be used to restrict storage of items to certain location (types) text
Volume Total volume of this location in cubic metres (m3) real number
object_type text
bottom_y_coordinate Position of the bottom edge of this location. Used for displying the locaiton on a diagram. Old functionality not used any more real number


Field number Field Name Description Type Length Index
3enter_date Date
4enter_time Time
5exit_date Date
6exit_time Time
1ID Unique ID of the record Alpha Y
7item_line_ID Alpha
2location_ID Alpha
8store_ID Alpha