
This is an old revision of the document!

25.17. Remote authorisation

Function added: mSupply version 4.01

Sometimes it is important that goods are not distributed to customers or received into stock until such an action has been authorised.

Remote authorisation allows users to authorise transactions via a web app. This allows authorisers to participate in the authorisation process without using mSupply (see 26.14. Authorisation for authorising within mSupply).

When an authorisation request is made, authorisers receive an email containing a link to the web app. When the authoriser logs in, they are shown all pending authorisations which they can either approve or deny. The transaction can only be confirmed by the user in mSupply once it has been authorised by everybody in the chain.

The remote authorisation module allows sequential authorisation by multiple authorisers in order of priority. Authorisers will only receive an authorisation request when the transaction is approved by the authoriser(s) with a lower priority level.

Authorisers can also be set up with auto-authorisation, where transactions will automatically be authorised if the user has not approved or denied the transaction before the set auto-authorise period is reached.

Transactions can be set up to authorise via vertical programs. To do this, each vertical program must be set up with a master list of items.

When authorisation is requested, mSupply will go through the transaction to check whether any items in the transaction are associated with a vertical program. If so, users will be asked whether they would like to request authorisation through a vertical program or through the generic (default) method.

Remote authorisation must be set up for each store independently. For each store, you can decide which transaction types require remote authorisation.

1. Click the Special tab, then click Stores.

2. Double click the store to edit.

3. Click the Preferences tab.

4. Check the boxes to set compulsory remote authorisation for specific transaction types at that store.

5. Click OK.

From now on, the transaction types you set the preferences for must be authorised before being confirmed.

ALL remote authorisers require an mSupply user account even if they only use the web app and never use mSupply itself. This is necessary to set up their authoriser permissions and record their authorisations.

Make sure each authoriser has permission to use the web authorisation system and an email address entered in their mSupply user account: this is how they will be notified of authorisation requests!

Importing authorisers

Authorisers can be set up by importing an Excel spreadsheet containing the required details.
For setting up authorisers manually refer to 26.14. Authorisation >setting_up_authorisers

1. Create an Excel spreadsheet with the following headings and details:

The Excel spreadsheet must be created with the EXACT headings, spellings and requirements specified below.

  • Store: Enter the store code, which must match a store code in mSupply.
  • Record Type: Enter the transaction type the user can authorise, which will be:
    • customerInvoice or
    • supplierInvoice or
    • requestRequistion or
    • responseRequisition or
    • purchaseOrder
  • Username: Enter the authoriser's username, which must match a username in mSupply.
  • Priority: If sequential authorisation is being used, set the order in which each user is required to give authorisation. For example, a user with priority 2 will only be requested to authorise a transaction once it has been authorised by a user with priority 1. If sequential authorisation is not being used, give all authorisers priority 1.

2. Save the Excel spreadsheet.

3. In mSupply, go to File > Import > Import authorisers…

4. Select the Excel file and click Open.

5. A message will appear stating that the authoriser list has been successfully imported. Click OK.

If the authoriser list was not successfully imported, an alert will notify you of an error. Carefully check that your Excel spreadsheet is set up according to the exact specifications above.

Viewing and editing authorisers

To view the authorisers for a particular transaction type:

1. Go to Special > Show authorisers…

2. Click the Store, Record Type and Sub Type of interest to see the authorisers for that transaction type in that store.

3. You can also edit authorisers from this screen and add further details such as allocating Primary authorisers, specifying whether the person Uses Auto Authorisation and, if so, the Auto Authorisation Period (Days).

You can set 'backup' authorisers by allocating two authorisers to the same priority level and checking the Priority box only for the regular authoriser.

If the primary (regular) authoriser goes on leave and changes their status to inactive in the web portal, the 'backup' authoriser will automatically start receiving their authorisation requests.

When the primary authoriser returns from leave and changes their status back to active in the web portal, the 'backup' authoriser will stop receiving their authorisation requests.

Updating the authorisers list

You can update authorisers directly in the screen above or you can export the list from mSupply, edit it in Excel, and import the new list into mSupply again.

1. Go to File > Export > Export authorisers…

2. Name the Excel spreadsheet to be created and click Save.

3. Open the Excel spreadsheet. It will list the Store, Record Type, authoriser's Username and Priority among other details.

4. Make any required changes and save the new spreadsheet.

5. Import the new spreadsheet into mSupply, following the instructions in this guide.

When you import a new list over an existing list of authorisers with the same store code:

  • New authorisers will be added.
  • Existing authorisers will be updated according to the new list (e.g. if they now have a different priority level).
  • Old authorisers removed from the list will not be deleted - this must be done manually.

To delete an authoriser

1. Go to Special > Show authorisers…

2. Click the Store, Record Type and Sub Type where an authoriser is to be deleted.

3. Select the authoriser to be deleted.

4. Click the Minus button.

Turning on the remote authorisation preference adds a new Authorisation tab to the transaction window, which allows users to:

  • Request authorisation
  • Discard authorisation
  • View a list of pending authorisation requests

To send an authorisation request, click the Request Authorisation button. Note: this button will only be enabled when there is at least one item in the transaction.

Once authorisation is requested:

  • The transaction will be locked and cannot be edited.
  • Users can view all pending authorisation requests in the listbox.
  • The Request Authorisation button will change to the Discard Authorisation button. If the transaction needs to be edited, click the Discard Authorisation button to remove all authorisation requests and unlock the transaction for editing.

Discarding authorisation will remove all previous approvals. If you request authorisation again, authorisers will have to re-approve the transaction.

Once authorisers approve or deny the transaction through the authorisation web app, the status of the transaction will be updated in the listbox.

Once the transaction has been approved by all authorisers, the user must:

  • Click the Finalise button to finalise the transaction. Note: the Finalise button is only enabled when all authorisers have approved the transaction.

If the transaction is denied (by one or more authorisers), the user must:

  • Click Discard Authorisation and return to the General tab to make changes. Note that the Finalise button will remain disabled.
  • Go to the Authorisation tab and click Request Authorisation to start the request process again.

When an authorisation request is made, authorisers receive an email containing a link to the web app. The URL is in the format server:port/authorisation, for example, https://demo.msupply.org:2048/authorisation.

Authorisers can log in using their mSupply username and password.

Once logged in, the authoriser can see all pending (and previous) authorisation requests.

  • To view a transaction, click the icon in the Download column. A PDF will open in a new tab.
  • To comment on a transaction, click the icon in the Comment column.
    • The comment you enter will be shown on the Authorisation tab of the transaction window in mSupply.
  • To approve transactions, check the box(es) in the Selected column then click the Approve Selected button.
  • To deny transactions, check the box(es) in the Selected column then click the Deny Selected button.
    • You must enter a comment explaining why the transaction has been denied.
  • If you will be unable to authorise transactions (e.g. going on leave), click the Active Authoriser button to change yourself to an Inactive Authoriser. Click again to change yourself back to an active authoriser when you resume your regular duties.

  • Last modified: 2021/08/19 13:56
  • by Gary Willetts