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items:pricing [2024/09/17 06:13] – [4.13. Prices in mSupply] Chris Pettyitems:pricing [2024/09/18 05:30] (current) Chris Petty
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 ==== 4. Checking introduced stock ==== ==== 4. Checking introduced stock ====
-TODO items stock+Under the Items menu, you can search for and view our item's stock. Note the other lines of stock which have different cost and sell price. This is because this stock was received or added at another time, with different prices applied at the time. All stock has it's own cost and sell price associated. Keep in mind that there are settings for centrally controlled sell prices for items, so that all customers pay the same amount regardless of the specific stock line they're receiving.
-==== 5Customer Invoices ==== +{{:items:pasted:20240917-203943.png}}
-TODO customer invoices+Editing our line of introduced stock, we can modify cost and sell price again. 
-==== 6Patients ==== +{{:items:pasted:20240917-204039.png}}
 +==== 5. Customer Invoice (CI) ==== 
 +If we create a new customer invoice to a facility, when adding an item we'll see our stock line is available with the prices carried through from the supplier invoice that introduced the stock.
 +Now added, we can see in our Customer Invoice the stock we added and see that it's Price Extension (the total sell price for the line) is 5x the sell price, as we are providing 5 packs.
 +==== 6. Prescriptions ==== 
 +For a Prescription to a patient, it is much the same as a customer invoice.
-===== Item Margins =====+The key difference here is that there are several patient specific pricing modifiers that can be configured in mSupply which we'll see later. 
 +===== Sell Price Settings ===== 
 +At either introducing stock or at the point of distributing/selling/dispensing stock, there are settings that can modify the sell prices saved in the system or simply override the sell price when distributing. Hold on you your hats 😉. 
 +==== Default Price List ==== 
 +A Default Price list is one of mSupply's approaches to standardising pricing across the whole system. This is useful when you want all customers/patients to pay the same amount per unit of an item regardless of what any particular line's sell price has been set to (usually related to cost price). This is useful when receiving stock from multiple suppliers, via various shipment methods (Air vs sea freight) where prices of different lots of an item received can vary greatly. Some donor stock might be free!   
 +This setting is managed through [[items:master_lists|]]. A Master List can be configured as a "Default Price List" by checking the checkbox shown below. 
 +Items in this list will override the sell price of all outgoing stock in **all stores across the entire mSupply system, including those that are active on remote sites**. To set the price for the item, edit the "Price per unit" column. 
 +<WRAP info 90% center round>Make sure you enter the Price per **unit** of the item, not the Price per **pack**. As an item can have many stock lines with differing pack sizes (e.g. blister pack of 10 vs 20), the system will adapt the sell price according to the stock line's //pack size// multiplied by the //Price per unit//.</WRAP> 
 +When making a customer invoice we can see that all prices have been adapted when selecting our item from earlier in this guide. The default price is 1 per unit, and the pack sizes have been multiplied by that to determine the sell price. 
 +Any item not in the Default Price List will use the sell price of the stock being used. 
 +The Default Price List applies to prescriptions as well, but note that the similar Patient List setting for setting a global price for patients will override the Default Price List value if an item is in both lists. 
 +==== Patient Price List ==== 
 +The Patient Price List setting is very similar to the Default Price List setting, **but only applies to prescriptions**. This is useful if not interested in changing prices for stock being distributed to other sellers/stores/pharmacies, but do want to set a standardised price for patients to level out cost fluctuations of stock. 
 +To make a Master List a Patient Price List, check the setting "This master list is a patient list"
 +If an item is in both the Patient Price List and the Default Price List, in a prescription the Patient Price List price will take priority over the default price list. 
 +A Master list may be both a Patient Price List and Default Price List, but it is redundant 😉. 
 +==== Discount Lists ==== 
 +Discount lists are a simple mechanism for setting a discount percentage rate for a set of items. They can be configured by simply adding a value to the Discount % field of a Master List. This discount rate will be applied on included items in all stores in mSupply. 
 +This will be applied when adding items to a Customer Invoice. Below we can see the the Default Sell Price (per unit) applied to our stock lines has had a 50% discount rate applied. If item selected is not in the Default Price List, it's normal sell price of the stock line selected will be used. 
 +<WRAP info 90% center round>Discount rates do not apply in Prescriptions. We may add settings for facilitating this in the future!</WRAP> 
 +==== Item Margins ====
 The price you charge customers for your goods is, of course, very important. mSupply provides you with several different ways to set the selling price of your goods. Here they are: The price you charge customers for your goods is, of course, very important. mSupply provides you with several different ways to set the selling price of your goods. Here they are:
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-===== Per customer pricing =====+==== Per customer pricing ====
 <wrap info>Updated: version 3.12</wrap> <wrap info>Updated: version 3.12</wrap>
  • Last modified: 2024/09/17 06:13
  • by Chris Petty