3.08. Enter incoming goods (supplier invoices)

In some countries, an invoice for incoming goods is referred to as a “bill” - in mSupply we use “supplier invoice” to mean the same thing.

Let's suppose we have just received a shipment containing two items from Acme Pharmaceuticals, and we want to enter these goods into stock. The invoice looks like this: <HTML>


From: Acme Pharmaceuticals Bill: no.A939
Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Price Extension
Amoxycillin Caps 250mg 1000 100 b93333 31/12/2015 344 344,000.00
Cotrimoxazole 240mg/5mL susp 65 60 bb23d 31/10/2015 21 1,365.00
Cotrimoxazole 240mg/5mL susp 100 60 bb22d 31/01/2016 21 2,100.00
Total: 347,465.00



Choose Supplier>New invoice from the menu or mSupply navigator screen.

The cursor will be positioned in the Name field. Type a and then press Tab. If there is only one supplier whose name starts with “a”, the details will automatically be filled in.

In our case, there are two suppliers whose names starts with “a”, so you will see a window listing both of these suppliers. Double-click the line containing “Acme Pharmaceuticals” to choose them for this invoice. The insertion point will jump to the Their ref field.

As we have another line to add, click the OK and Next button. The entry is recorded, and the window is now blank to accept your second invoice line.

Click the OK & Next button to save the details and start to enter another item.

Now enter the third item on the supplier invoice from the example invoice from Acme Pharmaceuticals above. When you have finished, click the OK button to take you back to the main list of invoices.

Our invoice will now have 3 items added to it. The invoice total should read “347,465”, and should appear like this:

If you have made a mistake, click on the relevant line, which will now be highlighted; double-clicking on it allows you to edit it. You will be shown the line details again, and you can then make corrections and click the OK button to save your changes.

There are 3 icons in the bottom left corner of the invoice window.

  1. This allows you to rearrange the order in which the lines are shown on the invoice
  2. Here you can make a note of anything relevant to this invoice
  3. This will copy the details of the invoice to the clipboard

Now click the OK button. As long as you have left the “print” checkbox (bottom right corner) checked, you will be asked if you want to print the invoice (you may do so). Note that when you print, you are shown two windows. The first window is the page setup for your printer, the second window allows you to specify how many copies to print, etc. (The second window also has a “preview” checkbox, where you can preview the print job).

As this invoice is a “supplier invoice” it has been “confirmed” when you clicked the OK button in the invoice entry window. You can view and edit the invoice details until the invoice is finalised. Note that if you issue some of the stock you have just entered to a customer, some fields will no longer be editable.

NOTE: as of mSupply v190, a more precise alternative for entering received goods has been implemented. See section 7.02. Goods receipts for information on viewing and editing supplier invoices created via Goods Receipts.