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Field name Description Type Length Indexed
available The number of packs available for issue Real
batch The batch number of the line Alpha 14
cost_price The cost price of the stock line, per pack Real
donor_id The donor id for the stock line Long *
expiry_date The expiry date of the line Date
hold Puts the stock line into hold (No issuing) Boolean
ID Unique id for a stock line. Visible on stock line input window Long *
item_ID The item id of the stock line Long *
initial_quan The initial quantity for a stock line. Mainly used to handle the stock that have been imported without ledger Real
location_ID The ID of the location record denoting where this batch is stored long *
manufacturer_ID The manufacturer id of the stock line Long
name_ID The name id (Customer/supplier) of the stock line Long *
note The note information for a stock line Text
pack_size The pack size for a stock line Real
pack_quan_per_inner The inner pack size for a stock line (Comes from transaction line) Long
pack_inners_per_outer The outer pack size for a stock line (Comes from transaction line) Long
quantity Total number of packs on hand Real *
store_ID The store id of the stock line Long *
start_year_quan_tot Start of an year quantity for a stock line Real
sell_price The sell price for a stock line, per pack Real
stock_on_hand_tot Total stock on hand for a item Real
total_cost Total cost for a stock line, i.e. cost price * quantity Real
total_volume Total volume for a stock line Real *
user_1 Custom field 1 for stock line String 20
user_2 Custom field 2 for stock line String 20
user_3 Custom field 3 for stock line String 20
user_4 Custom field 4 for stock line String 40
volume_per_pack The volume of a stock line for each pack Real
vvm_status Vaccine Vial Monitoring for stock line String 15
user_5_ID The ID of the custom field 5 record selected for this stock line. Text *
user_6_ID The ID of the custom field 6 record selected for this stock line. Text *
user_7_ID The ID of the custom field 7 record selected for this stock line. Text *
user_8_ID The ID of the custom field 8 record selected for this stock line. Text *
  • Last modified: 2020/01/07 01:04
  • by lou