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10.07. Diagnoses

The Diagnoses functionality allows you to quickly save a diagnosis on a patient’s prescription.

Viewing and Adding Diagnoses

Select the Diagnoses icon from the Special tab on the mSupply navigator window.

This will open the Show diagnoses window with a list of all diagnoses.

Standard mSupply search functionality applies when searching for diagnoses.

The list can be filtered using the Show drop-down box on the top right of the window:

Click on the New diagnosis button on the top-left of the window to add a new diagnosis. This window will open:

Enter the ICD Code and Description. Please note:

Enter the Valid till date. You can use the date selection tool by clicking on the calendar to the right of the box.

Diagnoses on Prescriptions

You must first turn on the Allow users to choose diagnoses on prescriptions store preference to allow diagnosis selection on prescriptions. See the 25.08. Virtual stores page for details.

When this preference is turned on, when you create a new prescription you will be able to select a diagnosis using a drop-down list. The drop-down list will display and allow selection of any active diagnosis:

The diagnosis selected will be saved against the prescription together with all other information provided in the Prescription entry window.