Table of Contents

2.02. Installation

Synced system

If you are installing mSupply within a synced system, then it is quite likely that you should not be installing the single-user version as described in the section below. The instructions to follow depend on which sort of site you are installing:

Contact mSupply Foundation support for clarification:

Single-User system

We are assuming you have obtained mSupply from the mSupply Downloads web page.

  • If you are using a Windows machine, you have downloaded the file you need, and you have saved it to your desktop, it is important that you saved the file with an .exe extension or it will not run. You can rename a file by right-clicking on it. The name of the file should be something like mSupply_Single_User_V4-07-09.
  • It is possible to allow mSupply to be run from multiple Windows accounts (e.g. admin and non-admin accounts). However there are a few precautions / tweeks:
    • If you are switching between admin and non-admin accounts, you will need to close mSupply before switching. Single user is intended to be used on one account at a time, and will throw an error if already open on another account.
    • Data file location needs to be in a commonly accessible location, e.g. C:\mSupply_Datafile.
    • Any backup location needs to be in a commonly accessible location, e.g. C:\mSupply_Backup.

It is strongly recommended that users who are not familiar with program installation adhere to these directions.

Now you are ready to begin! Proceed to the section below on starting the example database.

Example data file

The mSupply installer treats Example data files in a special way. Re-installing mSupply on a previous installation will replace all the files except the Example data file. This is to prevent valuable data from being deleted as users may have started entering actual stock into the Example data file.

To install a fresh copy of the Example data file on Windows you can carry out one of the options described below:

On Macintosh machines, simply replace the Example folder from the mSupply installer image.

Notes for Windows users

Date format