Field name | Description | Type | Indexed |
ID | The unique identifying number assigned to this sensor | Alpha | * |
locationID | The ID of the location to which this sensor belongs | Alpha | * |
name | The name of the sensor | Text | |
macAddress | The mac address of the sensor | Text | |
batteryLevel | The most recent battery % reading of the sensor | Real | |
temperature | The most recent temperature reading of the sensor | Real | |
lastConnectionDate | | Date | |
lastConnectionTime | | Time | |
storeID | The ID of the store to which this sensor belongs | Alpha | * |
logInterval | The interval between taking temperature readings (in seconds) | Long | |
numberOfLogs | | Long | |
is_active | Whether the sensor is marked as active or not | Boolean | |
log_delay_time | The date that the user selected to start recording temperature logs | Time | |
log_delay_date | The time that the user selected to start recording temperature logs | Date | |
programmed_date | | Date | |
programmed_time | | Time | |
asset_ID | | Alpha | |
Field name | Description | Type | Indexed |
ID | | Alpha | * |
sensorID | | Alpha | * |
locationID | | Alpha | * |
aggregation | | Alpha | |
date | | Date | |
time | | Time | |
customData | | Object | * |
isInBreach | | Boolean | |
storeID | | Alpha | * |
temperature | | Real | |
Field name | Description | Type | Indexed |
ID | | Alpha | * |
itemLineID | | Alpha | * |
sensorLogID | | Alpha | * |
Field name | Description | Type | Indexed |
ID | The unique identifying number assigned to this breach | Alpha | * |
start_date | The date that the breach began (the temperature entered the range of temperatures defining the breach) | Date | |
start_time | The time that the breach began (entered the range of temperatures defining the breach) | Time | |
end_date | The date that the breach completed (exited the temperature range) | Date | |
end_time | The time the breach completed (exited the temperature range). | Time | |
location_ID | The location of the sensor at the time that the breach was reported | Alpha | |
store_ID | The store of the sensor at the time that the breach was reported | Alpha | |
temperature_breach_config_ID | The ID of the breach configuration that defines the duration and temperature for this breach | Alpha | |
acknowledged | Whether the breach has been marked as 'acknowledged' by the user | Boolean | |
sensor_ID | The ID of the sensor that reported this breach | Alpha | |
threshold_maximum_temperature | The upper bound temperature for the breach configuration | Real | |
threshold_minimum_temperature | The lower bound temperature for the breach configuration | Real | |
threshold_duration | The duration threshold for the breach configuration | Int | |
type | The type of breach - Hot / Cold, Consecutive or Cumulative | Alpha | |
Field name | Description | Type | Indexed |
ID | The unique identifying number assigned to this breach configuration | Alpha | * |
maximum_temperature | The upper bound temperature for the range of temperatures the breach is defined for. For example, if a breach is defined for all temperatures over 8 degrees, the maximum will be infinity. | Real | |
minimum_temperature | The lower bound temperature for the range of temperatures the breach is defined for. For example, if a breach is defined for all temperatures over 8 degrees, the minimum will be 8. | Real | |
duration | The duration a temperature must have been within the thresholds for it to be considered a breach. (milliseconds) | Long | |
colour | Contains hexidecimal codes for colours. Use case: Displaying a line on a graph in a certain colour - red for a 'hot breach', blue for a 'cold breach' | Alpha | |
description | Description of the breach configuration, e.g. 'Hot breach' | Alpha | |
is_active | Whether the breach is currently ongoing or not | Boolean | |
location_type_ID | | Alpha | |
store_ID | | Alpha | |
type | The type of breach - Hot / Cold, Consecutive or Cumulative | Alpha | |
location_ID | | Alpha | |
Field name | Description | Type | Indexed |
ID | The unique identifying number assigned to this temperature log | Alpha | * |
temperature | The temperature of the log (in Celsius) | Real | |
date | The date of the log | Date | |
time | The time of the log | Time | |
location_ID | The location of the sensor at the time of the log | Alpha | |
temperature_breach_ID | Indicates that this temperature log is contributing to a temperature_breach, which can span many temperature logs | Alpha | |
store_ID | The store of the sensor at the time of the log | Alpha | |
sensor_ID | The unique identifying number of the sensor that took the log | Alpha | |
log_interval | The interval between taking temperature readings of the sensor at the time of the log (in seconds) | Long | |