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26.17. Keyboard shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts you can use in mSupply. They can really speed up your work because using them is much quicker than using a mouse once you get used to them. Try it and see!

The Windows operating system uses the Control key and the Mac operating system uses the Command key to activate keyboard shortcuts. For clarity's sake we've used the control key in the table below. If you're using a Mac just substitute Command for Control.

Shortcut What it does
General useful computer shortcuts / Navigation keys - work in most applications
Ctrl + A Select All text in a field / cell
Control + X Cut
Control + C Copy
Control + V Paste
Control + Z Undo
Control + Y Redo
Control + Q Quit the application
Tab moves focus to next field / cell. Also used after typing in a selection textbox (e.g. item name) to bring up a window showing selections which match what was typed. But this isn't technically a shortcut, just the way the fields work!
Shift Tab moves focus to previous field / cell
Spacebar toggles between two options (with a checkbox or radio button), e.g. Male / Female in Patient details entry window
Almost Everywhere in mSupply
Enter Activates the default button (which is highlighted) on the active window. Default button is usually OK.
Control + . (full stop) Cancel/Delete
Control + Shift + N OK & Next
Control + Shift + P OK & Previous
Control + F Show customer invoices
Control + I Show items
Control + N New customer invoice
Control + R Show prescriptions
Control + D New prescription
Control + J Show supplier invoices
Control + H New supplier invoice
Control + 1 Show log in window
Control + 2 Show switch stores window (same as log-in but no need to enter user/pass)
Control + 0 (zero) Show purchase orders
Control + Y Show customers
Control + U Show suppliers
Invoice entry
Control + N Add a new line to the invoice
Control + Shift + N OK & Next to save, print (if printing checked) and open a new prescription entry window
Invoice line entry
Control + K Same as clicking OK (Enter key is the default OK & Next button)
Choice lists
U or up arrow Highlight the next line above the currently highlighted line
D or down arrow Highlight the next line below the currently highlighted line
Stocktake list
Control + N Add a new stocktake
Control + Shift + N Add a new blank stocktake
Stocktake entry
Control + N Add a new line to the stocktake

  • Last modified: 2023/07/21 05:13
  • by Jonna Quismundo