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Field number Field Name Description Type Length Index
7application_dateThe date of application Date
8application_numberA unique number assigned to track the application Long Integer
9approval_dateThe date the application was approved (blank if never approved) Date
17category1_ID ID of the category record related to this record Alpha
18category2_ID ID of the category2 record related to this record Alpha
19category3Free-form text field for another category of the user's choice Text
20category4Free-form text field for another category of the user's choice Text
16comment User-entered free text Text
13created_by The ID of the user who created the record Alpha
1ID The unique ID of the record Alpha Y
15is_currently_registered True if currently registered (automatically turned off by mSupply on registration expiry) Boolean
2Item_ID The ID of the item associated with this record Long Integer Y
4Manufacturer_ID The ID of the Manufacturer associated with this record Long Integer Y
11modified_date The date the record was last modified Date
12modified_timeThe time the record was last modified Time
6pack_size The pack sizes for this item Text
10registration_expiry_dateThe date the registration expires Date
14registration_numberThe unique number (or code) given to the registration Text Y
3Supplier_ID The ID of the Supplier associated with this record Long Integer Y
5trade_name The name the item is being registered under Alpha Y
Field number Field Name Description Type Length Index
2Description The category name Alpha
1ID The unique ID of the category Alpha Y
Field number Field Name Description Type Length Index
2Description The category name Alpha
1ID The unique ID of the category Alpha Y
  • Last modified: 2020/01/07 01:04
  • by lou