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Field name | Description | Type | Ind |
BenchMarkSupplier_ID | The ID of the supplier we are using as a benchmark to compare prices with for this tender | UUID | |
closing_time | The time that the tender closes (in UTC) | Time | |
comment | User entered comment | Text | |
conditions | Specific conditions imposed by you on suppliers participating in this tender | Text | |
created_by_user_ID | | UUID | * |
creation_date | | Date | |
Create_split_deliveries | If true, multiple deliveries for the one supplier will be created. | Boolean | |
desc | | Alpha (80) | |
due_date | The closing date of the tender | Date | |
EmailSubject | | Text | |
ID | The unique ID of the tender | UUID | * |
issue_date | | Date | |
locked | If true, the tender can not be deleted | Boolean | |
our_ref | | Alpha | |
po_calc_method | | Long | |
Print_Item_desc | | Boolean | |
Print_Tender_conditions | If true the tender conditions will be printed along with the list of items | Boolean | |
RequestDeliveryDate | | Date | |
status | | Alpha (3) | |
store_ID | | UUID | |
TargetDays | | Long Integer | |
tender_inter_month | | long Integer | |
TenderSyncStatus | | Alpha | |
Field name | Description | Type | Ind |
COLOUR | | Long Integer | |
comment | | Text | |
conditions | | Text | |
generated_qty | The quantity that was suggested when (if) the tender was auto-generated. The user will edit the noOfPacks (below), not this field | Real | |
ID | Unique ID of the line | UUID | * |
indicative_price | User entered price that is expected for this item | Real | |
item_ID | The unique ID of the item that this tender line is for | UUID | * |
item_name | Copied from the name of the item when it is chosen (to ensure the item name at the time of the tender is preserved, even if the master record in mSupply is edited | Alpha (80) | |
is_synced | | Boolean | |
line_number | The row number that is saved so the row ordering can be maintained | Long Integer | |
noOfPacks | How many packs you expect to buy | Real | |
pack_size | The pack size requested (suppliers may offer in other pack sizes) | Real | |
totalQuantity | The product of noOfPacks x pack_size | Real | |
SELECTION_NOTES | User entered text that may explain criteria for choosing a winner of this line. | Text | |
unit_ID | The ID of the item units you are specifying for this tender line | UUID | * |