A name is a customer, supplier, patient, manufacturer or donor, or maybe a combination of these.
Field name | Description | Type | Indexed |
ID | The unique ID given to this name | Long | * |
Related to asset.name_id, backorder.name_id_customer, backorder.name_id_supplier, contact.name_ID, Goods_received_line.manufacturer_ID, HIS_encoutner.PATIENT_ID, item_line.name_ID, item_line.manufacturer_ID, item_store_join.non_stock_name_ID, list_group.name_id, list_name_join.name_ID, name_budget.name_ID, name_note.name_ID, name_stock_history.name_ID, name_store_join.name_ID, patient_medication.name_ID, purchase_order.name_ID, purchase_order_line.non_stock_name_ID, quote.names_ID, quote_line.manufacturer_ID, quote_line.name_ID, regimen_record.name_ID, repeat_table.name_ID, store.name_ID, transact.name_ID, web_favourite.name_ID, tender.benchmarkSupplier_ID,[goods_received]donor_id,[item_line]donor_id, [purchase_order]donor_id, [trans_line]donor_id | |||
name | Name's name | Alpha | * |
barcode | Set to the code field with an '*' at either end. Doesn't seem to be used for anything… | Alpha | |
Benchmark | True if name is a benchmark supplier, against which others' prices are to be compared | Boolean | |
bill_address1 | Billing address line 1 | Alpha | |
bill_address2 | Billing address line 2 | Alpha | |
bill_address3 | Billing address line 3 | Alpha | |
bill_address4 | Billing address line 4 | Alpha | |
bill_address5 | Billing address line 5 | Alpha | |
bill_postal_zip_code | Billing address postcode | Alpha | |
Blood_Group | Patients only: patient's blood group | Alpha | |
category1_ID | ID of the category1 level3 category this name has been assigned to | Long | * |
category2_ID | ID of the category2 category the name is assigned to | Longint | * |
category3_ID | ID of the category3 category the name is assigned to | Longint | * |
category4_ID | ID of the category4 category the name is assigned to | Longint | * |
category5_ID | ID of the category5 category the name is assigned to | Longint | * |
category6_ID | ID of the category6 category the name is assigned to | Longint | * |
charge code | Code to charge a name's transactions to when exporting | Alpha | * |
code | This name's code | Alpha | * |
comment | Comment stored against this name | Text | |
connection_type | The type of connection to the internet the name has: 1=low bandwidth, 2=high bandwidth | Integer | |
country | Billing address country | Alpha | |
currency_ID | Supplier only: ID of the currency this supplier uses | Alpha | |
custom1 | Custom field 1 contents - defined by user | Alpha | |
custom2 | Custom field 2 contents - defined by user | Alpha | |
custom3 | Custom field 3 contents - defined by user | Alpha | |
custom_data | Custom data stored as values and fields. Also facility code for DHIS2 data is placed here | Object | |
customer | True if this name is a customer | Boolean | * |
date_of_birth | Patients only: patient's date of birth | Date | |
default_order_days | The default number of days that this customer orders for in a customer stock history | Integer | |
donor | True if the name is a donor | Boolean | * |
Name's email address. You can put multiple email addresses here separated by commas. | Alpha | ||
ethnicity_ID | Patients only: ID of the patient's ethnicity | Longint | * |
fax | Name's phone number | Alpha | |
female | Patients only: True if female, False if male | Boolean | |
first | Patients only: patient's first name | Alpha | * |
flag | Comma separated list of flags assigned to this name | Alpha | |
freightfac | Multiplier to apply to quote lines to account for freight charges. | Real | |
group_ID | ID of the department this name has been assigned to | Long | * |
hold | If true, you can't issue or receive items to/from this name | Boolean | |
is_deleted | Only used for patients in mobile. Soft delete flag i.e. patients with this set to true are not displayed or included in search results | Boolean | |
isDeceased | Only used for patients in mobile. Set to true if the patient has died | Boolean | |
last | Patients only: patient's last name | Alpha | * |
latitude | The degrees latitude of the name's location | Real | |
longitude | The degrees longitude of the name's location | Real | |
manufacturer | True if this name is a manufacturer | Boolean | * |
margin | The margin applied to the cost price of this supplier's goods to calculate the sell price | Real | |
marital_status | Patients only: patient's marital status | Alpha | |
Master_RTM_Supplier_Code | The code this supplier has in the RTM | Longint | * |
Master_RTM_Supplier_name | The name of this supplier in the RTM | Alpha | |
middle | Patients only: patient's middle name | Alpha | |
mother_id | Patients only: ID of the patient's mother (another patient) | Longint | * |
national_health_number | Patients only: patient's national health number | Alpha | |
NEXT_OF_KIN_ID | Patients only: ID of the patient's next of kin (another patient) | Longint | * |
next_of_kin_relative | Relation that is patient's next of kin e.g. 'Parent' | Alpha | |
occupation_ID | Patients only: ID of the patient's occupation | Longint | * |
om_created_datetime | The time a name was created. Used by Open mSupply in a sync system. | Time | |
om_gender | Gender, used by Open mSupply in a sync system. mSupply only has male and female as choices, Open mSupply has a much wider selection of options | Text | |
ordering_method | The type of customer stock history this customer uses: im=imprest, sh=stock history | Alpha | |
overpayment | Deprecated as of v4.11 and not used - calculated as needed Amount overpaid to a customer from a supplier | Real | |
PATIENT_PHOTO | Patients only: patient's photo | Picture | |
phone | Name's phone number | Alpha | |
POBOX | Patients only: the patient's PO Box, part of their address | Alpha | |
postal_address1 | Postal address line 1 | Alpha | |
postal_address2 | Postal address line 2 | Alpha | |
postal_address3 | Postal address line 3 | Alpha | |
postal_address4 | Postal address line 4 | Alpha | |
postal_address5 | Postal address line 5 | Alpha | |
postal_zip_code | Postal address postcode | Alpha | |
preferred | If true this supplier is a preferred supplier when comparing bids in a tender | Boolean | |
price_category | The price category (A-F) this name is assigned to | Alpha | |
print_invoice_alphabetical | If true, invoice lines are printed in alphabetical order for this name | Boolean | |
religion_ID | Patients only: ID of the patient's religion | Longint | * |
sacho | The name's web login password | BLOB | |
ship_address1 | Shipping address line 1 | Alpha | |
ship_address2 | Shipping address line 2 | Alpha | |
ship_address3 | Shipping address line 3 | Alpha | |
ship_address4 | Shipping address line 4 | Alpha | |
ship_address5 | Shipping address line 5 | Alpha | |
ship_postal_zip_code | Shipping address postcode | Alpha | |
supplier | True if this name is a supplier | Boolean | * |
title | Patients only: patient's title (Mr, Ms etc.) | Alpha | |
type (v3.5 on) | “store” - a name associated with an mSupply virtual store “invad” - a reserved name used for inventory adjustment transactions “build” - a reserved name used for build transactions “repack” - a reserved name used for repack transactions “patient” - patients “facility” - a supplier or customer who is external to your mSupply virtual store system (see booleans name.customer and name.supplier for differentiation) | Alpha | * |
url | Web page of this name. Includes “http://” | Alpha | |
web_id | The user name used to log on to the web interface | Alpha | * |
ZIP | Postal address postcode | Longint |