Contains details of shelf locations in a store.
Field | Description | Type |
ID | UUID of the record | text |
Colour | colour of the record when displayed in lists | text |
code | a short code for the location | alpha 60 |
Description | Full description of the location | text |
Comment | For your use to record any info | text |
hold | if true, stock at this location can't be issued on customer invoices- can use for quarantine areas. | boolean |
parent_ID | UUID of the parent of this location (e.g the rack of a particular slot, or the aisle of a rack | text |
priority | numeric value that can be used for sorting locations for picking | longint |
store_ID | UUID of the store that this location is for | text |
summary_only | only to be used for reporting, not for assigning to stock (e.g. an aisle that has racks as children) | text |
type_ID | UUID of Location_type record that this record is related to. Location types can be used to restrict storage of items to certain location (types) | text |
Volume | Total volume of this location in cubic metres (m3) | real number |
object_type | | text |
bottom_y_coordinate | Position of the bottom edge of this location. Used for displying the locaiton on a diagram. Old functionality not used any more | real number |
Field number | Field Name | Description | Type | Length | Index |
3 | enter_date | | Date | | |
4 | enter_time | | Time | | |
5 | exit_date | | Date | | |
6 | exit_time | | Time | | |
1 | ID | Unique ID of the record | Alpha | | Y |
7 | item_line_ID | | Alpha | | |
2 | location_ID | | Alpha | | |
8 | store_ID | | Alpha | | |