
3.06. Customers and suppliers

In this section of the tutorial, we will add a new supplier and a new customer.

Adding a supplier

From the top of the mSupply navigator screen, click on the 2nd of the large icons, Suppliers, and then click on New Supplier from the navigator panel. You will see this window:

You can enter the details for your new supplier in this window.

Field What to do….
Code Enter “Acmep” to identify the Supplier (Acme Pharmaceuticals).
You need to choose a unique code for each name.
Try to choose a logical system, as the code is used to look up the Supplier (or Customer) when you are entering invoice data.
(for example, try to start the code with at least the first three letters of the Supplier name)
Charge to Enter “Acmep” again. This field is only used when exporting data to an
accounting program - this code must match the code
you use for the supplier in your accounting program.
Name Enter “Acme Pharmaceuticals” - the name of our supplier.
Master ID Ignore for now
Email, Web site etc. Fill in with the appropriate details
Hold checkbox If this box is checked for supplier or customer, that particular supplier or customer can neither supply nor be supplied with items.
Preferred checkbox Leave unchecked
Price Category
Price Category This applies to customers. It is possible to assign multiple sell prices to customers. Leave it set to “A”.
Currency The field is automatically filled in with “Nrs”
(=Nepali rupees - the default currency in our example data).
This is the currency that this supplier will use to bill us.
Supplier details
Margin Enter “10”. Items purchased from this supplier will have a 10%
margin added to calculate the selling price.
Freight factor Enter “1”. Acme Pharmaceuticals does not charge any freight to us.
Their prices are “CIF”(Cost, Insurance & Freight to named port). This field is only used for comparing quotations from suppliers
- it is not used for actual invoices.
Print invoices Ignore for now
Customer check box Leave this box unchecked, as we are entering a new Supplier.
Supplier check box As you chose “new supplier” this box is already checked.
Manufacturer Leave unchecked
Benchmark Leave unchecked
Category 1-6 Ignore for now
Custom 1-3 Ignore for now
Flag Ignore for now
Comment You can enter a brief note here (Ignore it for now)
Address, Main, Postal and Shipping address. You can complete these with appropriate values.

If you are satisfied with the details, click OK. You will be returned to the mSupply navigator screen.

Adding a customer

From the top of the mSupply navigator screen, click on the 1st of the large icons, Customers, and then click on New Customer from the navigator panel. You will be presented with a window similar to the New Supplier one above to enter the customer's details.

Fill in the fields as follows:

Field What to do
Code Enter “bluec”
Charge to Enter “bluec”
Name Enter “Blue Cross Hospital” - the name of our customer.
Master ID Ignore for now
email, web site, etc. You can complete these with appropriate values.
Hold checkbox If this box is checked for supplier or customer,
that particular supplier or customer can neither supply nor be supplied with items.
Price Category
Price Category This applies to customers. It is possible to assign multiple sell prices to customers. Leave it set to “A”.
Customer check box As you chose “new customer” this box is already checked.
Supplier check box Leave this box unchecked, as we are not entering a new Supplier.
Manufacturer, Benchmark check boxes Leave these unchecked too
Category 1-6 Ignore for now
Custom 1-3 Ignore for now
Flag Ignore for now
Comment You can enter a brief note here (Ignore it for now)
Print invoices Ignore for now
Address, Main, Postal and Shipping address. You can complete these with appropriate values.

Click the OK button to save the details and exit the window.

Let's now look up Acme Pharmaceuticals.

  • Choose Show suppliers from the navigator's Supplier panel. You are presented with a window to enter as much of the supplier's name or code as you know.

For information on the Normal - Fuzzy slider, see Editing a Customer, Supplier or Manufacturer

For this tutorial, just click the Find button. You will get a list of all suppliers.

  • Double-click “Acme Pharmaceuticals” entry in the list. You will be shown the same window the same as you used to add Acme Pharmaceuticals as a new supplier.

  • Note the window has Tabs down the left side in the sidebar: General, Invoices, Backorders, Quotes, Notes, etc. Let's add a note for Acme pharmaceuticals:
  • Click on the Notes tab.

  • Click on the New Note button. Today's date is entered automatically and highlighted. Click inside the Note Entry field.
  • Enter This is a test note then click the OK button.

  • The first line of your note text will appear in the list of notes.
  • Click OK to exit viewing/editing the Acme Pharmaceutical supplier, then click OK again to exit the list of suppliers.

  • Last modified: 2020/08/27 23:51
  • by rowena